Fund Trading
Deposit system for trade in funds and structured products
With the depository system KARL, banks, fund companies, and securities companies get a complete, secure, and proven real-time system for handling the end-customers’ order placement, holdings, transactions, payments, brokerage, risk, government reporting, etc.
KARL has numerous integrations with various counterparties to support entire process flows; from integrations with suppliers of market data, AML counterparties, and fund trading venues to distributors of structured products for example.

Comprehensive solution for fund trading
Several fund management companies have chosen to connect KARL with our online platform LISA in order to be able to offer end-customers a modern, secure, and functional comprehensive solution for fund trading.
By combining KARL with LISA, end-customers can see and manage their holdings, set up monthly savings, place orders, take part in portfolio reports, start saving in ISK (investment savings account), make direct deposits, get help with investments via a digital advisor, etc.
New customer digital onboarding with automated KYC processes and assessments of suitability, makes it easy and secure to connect new customers and creates internal efficiency in management.
With the combination of KARL and LISA, a market-leading complete solution is offered where customer experience, security, and reliability are in focus.

KARL offers a variety of powerful features
Order handling
Advanced support for handling client and fund orders
Holdings and transactions
Holdings reported with market value and GAV
Monthly saving via autogiro
Support for monthly savings with automatic withdrawal via direct debit or from a cash balance
Register care
Register maintenance of instruments, customers, accounts, agreements, and proxies
Account types
Support for the account types custodian account, ISK, and custodian insurance
Flexible pricing models with a fixed fee or variable fee based on holdings
Over 10 years of production history at securities companies with high demands on stability and security
Integration support
Modern REST APIs for easy integration with other systems
KARL offers a variety of powerful features
Order handling
Advanced support for handling client and fund orders
Holdings and transactions
Holdings reported with market value and GAV
Monthly saving via autogiro
Support for monthly savings with automatic withdrawal via direct debit or from a cash balance
Register care
Flexible pricing models with a fixed fee or variable fee based on holdings
Account types
Support for the account types custodian account, ISK, and custodian insurance
Flexible pricing models with a fixed fee or variable fee based on holdings
Calculation and reporting of accrued commissions to fund management companies and other players
Reports, settlement notes
Generation of settlement notes, ownership lists, transaction and tax reports, etc.
Roles & user rights
The right user has access to the right information based on roles and user rights
Payment flows
Support for direct debit including deposits and savings plans, SUS payments, and Swish for example
Reconciliation functionality
Control of holdings against orders, cash bank, accrued commissions, etc.
Digital documents
Storage of scanned documents, such as agreements, issue subscriptions, etc.
Instrument registry
Registries for handling transactions, such as market, registrar, cut-off times, and risk measures
Basic registers / system parameters
Parameter management of banking days, tax and VAT rates, BIC codes, etc.
KARL offers logging of all events in the traceability system
Integration support
Moderna REST-API:er för enkel integration till andra system
Optimized for Linux or Microsoft Windows Server and Postgress SQL or Microsoft SQL Server database manager
It operation, cloud service
Delivery On-Prem or as SaaS with comprehensive commitments regarding management, support, and operation
Over 10 years of production history at securities companies with high demands on stability and security